Industrials & Manufacturing Sub-sectors:

  • Chemicals & Plastics
  • Custom Manufacturing
  • Industrial Technology
  • Material Handling & Automation
  • Specialty Materials & Coatings
  • Value-Add Distribution

Industry Spotlight

Christopher J. McKenna

Managing Partner

Current Niche Focus:

Conveyor and Vibratory Systems

Industrials & Manufacturing Insights

Featured Report Summary:

Carleton McKenna’s 4Q23 Industrial Distribution report explores the strategic marketplace, consolidation trends, and the future deal-making landscape for distribution and logistics businesses. Key insights include post-pandemic recovery and the significant growth in e-commerce sales.

  • Industrial production is steadily recovering to pre-pandemic levels by mid-2023, showing resilience and adaptability.
  • The global industrial market is projected to read almost $10 trillion by 22028, indicating substantial growth potential.

To learn more about Carleton McKenna’s wide range of transaction experiences, strategies for growth or exit, and current Industrial Distribution industry trends, please contact us.


Additional Industry Insights:

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