Sell-Side/Majority Recapitalizations
Carleton McKenna focuses on providing sell-side M&A and majority recapitalization advisory services to middle-market clients, including closely-held businesses, first and multi-generational family businesses, portfolio companies of financial sponsor firms, and divisions or subsidiaries of public companies.
No business is "cookie-cutter" which is why we don't run templatized processes — each transaction and process is custom-fit to ensure the best outcome. Every transaction at CM&Co is led by senior M&A professionals with decades of experience; we believe this expert attention is imperative for transaction success.
Our M&A transaction advisory services include the following:
Exploring financial and strategic alternatives;
Generating valuation analyses;
Conducting and managing due diligence at all process points;
Identifying and assessing potential acquirors and targets;
Advising on transaction structuring, timing, pricing, financing terms; and
Carleton McKenna provides advice on a full range of transaction types, including:
Leveraged Buyouts & Recapitalizations;
ESOPs & Management Buyouts;
Internal Transitions;
Thinking about selling? Thinking about thinking about selling? Terrific—we can help. From self- evaluation tools to an M&A Market Test to Strategic Consulting, we have you covered.
Our Strategic Advisory offering guides owners looking to realize additional value, increase their exit multiple, or fill gaps before transition.